

Me (skier) and my brother in Adelboden, CH.
Hi, I'm Frank and ... I'm addicted to POW!

Every winter I try to balance my daily work as a phd-researcher in mechanical engineering in Belgium with some well timed trips to the Alps (or the Rockies or the Andes if I find the time).

Since I only get about 20-30 days on snow each year, I don't have the time to do some random exploration when I'm at a resort. I typically do trips of 4 days, so when it's on, I don't want to waste time. To discover goods in ski-resorts and I try to find the go-to spots in resorts through extensive trip-reports and vimeo/youtube research.

Me at Whitewater, BC

In order to save you the trouble of doing this research all over again, I decided to start this blog. I'm going to try to bring together my experiences of different resorts with the most interesting movies I found online (or self-made footage) in order to make the quest for those sweet pow-lines easier for you!

I'll also try to post the random stuff which keep me stoked during those rainy days in Belgium.

I hope you enjoy this blog and it inspires you to share your experiences in a similar fashion for me to exploit!

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